Saturday, December 20, 2008

Joe's Letter to Santa

Joe: Dad, we need to write a letter to Santa. I don't want that big guy around. I just want the elves to come.

Dear Santa,
I know... a lot of people ... like you, but some people don't. I'm one of those people. We pray that ... you will go to the houses of people who like you and... stay away from those who don't. Amen.

That's a lot of words.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where have we been?

I know it's been over a month. I will tell our story and welcome suggestions for improving the situation. Kirk has been dealing with the sewer. We had to put an entirely new line in. This involved many obstacles that required many phone calls. Now it is all done, including a move of our washer and dryer up into our kitchen, and maybe Kirk will be back blogging soon.

I have been sick since before the last post. Never anything serious, but just there, underlying all that I do. The last two weeks especially have been a struggle between not being able to sleep at night because I'm tense about the 15 page paper that is due and not concentrating well during the day because I'm tired and sick. I now officially have a sinus infection and I'm on my second round of antibiotics.

That paper is due tomorrow at midnight. I have an outline, a bibliograpy, and six pages of text written. The task ahead seems impossible, but I also live for the fact that I only have to make it through 14 more hours before I can collapse on my bed and sleep peacefully (for a few hours before the boys jump up on the bed.) In the midst of my stress/sick conundrum, I have tried to think about how to prevent this from happening every semester.

I'll admit that this was partially to blame on my election anxiety which was relieved with regular watching of Rachel Maddow, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report. This will not happen again while I am still in grad school, so that should help. I was also thinking about doing yoga. I don't have time for a class, but I thought if I worked with a DVD for 20 minutes 3-4 times a week, it couldn't hurt. I would have to get up slightly earlier to do this, but I think it might be worth it in terms of relieving stress and just generally feeling better.

I'm also going to try switching my post-lunch diet soda to black or green tea. I'll still get my caffiene hit, but with the added benefit of anti-oxidants and no fake sugar.

Any other suggestions for surviving times of stress? I'm all ears!