Saturday, December 20, 2008
Joe's Letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
I know... a lot of people ... like you, but some people don't. I'm one of those people. We pray that ... you will go to the houses of people who like you and... stay away from those who don't. Amen.
That's a lot of words.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Where have we been?
I have been sick since before the last post. Never anything serious, but just there, underlying all that I do. The last two weeks especially have been a struggle between not being able to sleep at night because I'm tense about the 15 page paper that is due and not concentrating well during the day because I'm tired and sick. I now officially have a sinus infection and I'm on my second round of antibiotics.
That paper is due tomorrow at midnight. I have an outline, a bibliograpy, and six pages of text written. The task ahead seems impossible, but I also live for the fact that I only have to make it through 14 more hours before I can collapse on my bed and sleep peacefully (for a few hours before the boys jump up on the bed.) In the midst of my stress/sick conundrum, I have tried to think about how to prevent this from happening every semester.
I'll admit that this was partially to blame on my election anxiety which was relieved with regular watching of Rachel Maddow, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report. This will not happen again while I am still in grad school, so that should help. I was also thinking about doing yoga. I don't have time for a class, but I thought if I worked with a DVD for 20 minutes 3-4 times a week, it couldn't hurt. I would have to get up slightly earlier to do this, but I think it might be worth it in terms of relieving stress and just generally feeling better.
I'm also going to try switching my post-lunch diet soda to black or green tea. I'll still get my caffiene hit, but with the added benefit of anti-oxidants and no fake sugar.
Any other suggestions for surviving times of stress? I'm all ears!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm not Joe
Monday, October 20, 2008
Why I am voting for Barack Obama

Foreign Relations - Barack Obama will reestablish our positive relations throughout the world. Positive diplomacy is necessary for preventing conflict and having support when conflict is necessary.
Abortion - Obama is not pro-abortion and neither am I. I think abortion is horrible. But I am the child of a man who had funerals for girls who died in botched illegal abortions and I think that will always affect me. Studies show that abortion rates are about the same whether abortion is legal or illegal, the difference is in the amount of young women who die because of the abortions. I would like for us to focus on reducing the numbers, which is exactly what Obama said in his acceptance speech. Cutting funds for homes for unwed mothers is not the way to do that.
Sarah Palin - Are you people serious? Sarah Palin would make a fine VP, as long as we could guarantee that McCain would stay alive for the next 4 years. But she is not in any way ready for the presidency. She has proven in her interviews that she has no clue about what is going on in the world or in the economy, for that matter. She's not dumb, but she can't even name a newspaper that she reads regularly. Now, let's talk about her ethics. The report from Alaska makes it clear that she used her position in an unethical manner. She also goes on and on about ending the earmarks, but she lobbied for that "bridge to nowhere" money and accepted it when it came.
The economy - It was clear that McCain had no idea what to do during the crisis. He blundered around looking lost. Meanwhile, Obama knew what had happened and how it happened. He was the calm in the storm. He has some ideas for how to fix the problem, including ideas for stimulating the economy and providing more regulation that will keep this from happening again. I know republicans hate that word, regulation, but this mess makes it clear that there have to be some checks and balances on our capitalistic system or businesses run amok.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Where the Buffalo (I mean Bison) Roam
We went to the open house at Konza Prairie this morning. It is always delightful out there, but today the weather was beautiful and we were with good people, so it was even better. The only negative was that we didn't have time to do all the great things offered. We went on a hayrack ride where a biologist told us about all the cool research they're doing out there. Next time we want to do more of the crafts and activities. Joe did get to catch grasshoppers in a net, which he greatly enjoyed, as well as play with the trucks they use to put out fires during burnings.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Voting is Fun!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
One thing about school I'm having trouble understanding is the food service. I can understand offering pancakes for breakfast or lunch, but when did a funnel cake become breakfast fare? The district implemented a "wellness policy" a few years back - I guess the food options were even scarier before! Now I'm all for healthy food and sweets in moderation, but I was at a loss when I tried to describe "chicken corn dog" and "chicken O's" to Joe - I at least knew what a corn dog is. Why not just have a baked chicken breast? I just have to remember that our family is the one that would skew the data and that for many kids the food offered at school is better, and maybe more, than what is offered in the home.
An exciting development is that Joe's school is one of several in the district that is part of grant to provide and staff a greenhouse for the students. I need to check into the options for parents interested in assisting with the project.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Train Ride
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
School Lunches & WIC
“If you are what you eat, then I’m fast, cheap and easy.” When Alice Waters, of Chez Panisse fame, saw that line on a bumper sticker, she wondered, “Is this really what we want the destiny of our nation to be?”
Click here to read the full article, or click here to comment on the re-authorization of the Child Nutrition Programs and WIC. This includes the National School Lunch Programs.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hangin' Out
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Catching up
The remodeling is done and the house is ours again except we are now in the middle of having a new roof put on due to the June hailstorm. Next up is major work on the sewer line.
The math is quite easy:
add together:
One 90 year old house + 2 sewer clean-outs in past year
= we get to spend lots of money
All that's left after that is the water main! Yea!!!
Hopefully it can wait at least few years from now!
Now for pictures:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This lawn is your lawn
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day out in K.C.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Birthday Time
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Budding Gardener
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Family Time in the Mountains
We just returned from an amazing time at Kirk's family reunion at Snow Mountain Ranch in Colorado. Family came in from California, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, and Florida. It was good to get to know his family better.
I was amazed to discover that, even upon closer inspection, Kirk has a family of really nice people. Some highlights for me:
- Uncle Harold reminiscing about camping when they were kids. Orva brought Grandma's scrapbooks from the trips.
- Aunt Elaine blowing bubbles, surrounded by happy children.
- Boys spending hours playing in the dirt with trucks and tractors.
- Eating Alaskan Halibut caught and prepared by Andy.
- Hearing Nora and Uncle Merl's story of tipping their canoe!
- Enjoying the beautiful Colorado scenery. The air smelled of pine and I swear I heard a Mountain Lion one night.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Homework: Almost Done
Everything is done except for a few touch-up items and the gutters! Those are on order and should be done next week. We are thrilled with our cute little back porch and the lovely crisp paint. Kirk will probably paint the trim bit by bit over time. I think we'll go back to the navy blue, although we've also tossed around orange (rust?). Any opinions? Overall, we are very pleased with what they've done with our cute little house. Now if we could only make the inside look that good! We're also enthused about finally having central air. No more loud, cold air blasting on us while we eat. No more nasty dirty window that we can't clean without hiring a crew to come over to help us move the AC. If you know anyone that needs a huge window unit that works quite well, let us know. We would be thrilled to get rid of it!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Homework: End of Week 3
As for the "original" project, about all that's left is to finish the back porch, some electrical work (note the wires below), and install the gutters. All but the gutters should be finished next week.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
When do ducks wake up? At the quack of dawn.
(adapted for American audiences)
A duck walks in the pharmacy and asks what they have for chapped lips. He's given the best they offer and told it'll be $4.50. To which the duck replies "just put it on my bill".
Listen again for the next seven days for more duck jokes and good music.
Now for the video (thanks, Craig, for the lead):
Lamppost in Time
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Camp Mahoney
Cool nights, warm days, and lots of sun - perfect.
Life is good...
Got it!
Gimme s'more!