Saturday, September 8, 2007

Picture Update

I've been informed that I should include more pictures of my beautiful children and less politics. I'll put in more pics, but the politics must stay. But for this one time, I'll just write happy newsy things. Both my boys just had their birthdays. Isaac is one and Joe is four. Joe just started preschool and he loves it. Isaac still isn't saying any words or walking on his own. He has taken his own sweet time with all developmental milestones since birth. Just when we start to worry he catches up. I've stopped worrying. I take him to his appointments and when his doctor or Parents as Teachers educator tells me to worry, then I will.
I am very excited that my brother and his family are moving to town! They bought a house just down the street, so the kids will go to school together and all that good stuff. My only cousins are much older and have always lived far away, so I'm very excited that my boys will have some so close by. I also really like my brother and his wife, so it's all good. Now if we could only get Kirk's brothers to move back. Don't worry guys, I'm not holding my breath.

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