So, we were driving along in the minivan when I realized that it's Saturday night. Other people in the world were going to movies or dinner, getting ready to go out dancing, or having a party with friends. We, however, were on a family trip to the grocery store (Lucy stayed in the van). In honor of Saturday night we used the car cart. There are occasionally these moments where it becomes crystal clear that your life is completely different than it used to be.
I had another moment when a friend of mine resumed DJ-ing after being off the air for over 10 years. I remember when he was on the radio before and we would go out for a beer, talking for hours about our love lives. Back in the present, and once again in the minivan, I turn up the radio and yell to the back seat "Joe, that's Emma's daddy!"
The most striking moment, though, was the trip to Burger King. We were getting out of the minivan (are you noticing that the minivan really seems to emphasize my life as a parent?) when I look across the street to the porch where Kirk and I met. The porch where we spent many nights sitting for hours with a group of friends, drinking box o' wine and having what seemed at the time to be very, very deep discussions. I thought for a moment about what that 23 year old girl on that porch would think about this mommy with her kids going in to feed them high fat, industrial food. She would not have been kind about my conventional, boring life. Little would she know how happy I am.
Life is drastically different than it used to be. Thank God.
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