Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To Garden or Not To Garden...

Or would that be "... To Not Garden"? (inside joke)

It's springtime again and my thoughts drift towards........gardening. Joe helped me move the compost pile today to a sunnier location and away from the swingset. Now it's in the garden instead of in a shady, back corner. I had planned on expanding my garden this year now that it seems time is on my side (yes it is) - at least more than the past few years. Originally, the expanded area was to include vegetables. That is, beyond the two tomato plants I had last summer. Come to find out, we are eligible for a home remodeling grant and because of some of the work I'll be transplanting a few flowers & shrubs into the garden instead of vegetables. Let's see...new windows & gutters, fresh paint, rebuilt front porch....or.....a few vegetables. Sorry, but I'll squeeze in the veggies where I can while making plans for next year. There's always plenty to do outside even without a lot of vegetables. I've been thinking that the backyard needs a witch hazel. Preferably one of the February-blooming varieties. Until next year, I'll be gardening at home when & where I can and when I can't then vicariously with my growing list of gardening books and far-flung websites.

Elements in time is sponsoring a growing challenge and participants must grow one additional type of fruit or vegetable than you did last year, and grow it from seed. If you didn't grow anything then you start with one vegetable. They also have many interesting links for you to review in your spare time.

Kitchen Gardener's International. Another site where you can find out that there's more to read on the web than you have time for. If you've read In Defense of Food then you might like this 9 1/2 minute clip of Michael Pollan I found on KGI. If you haven't read In Defense of Food, you might want to.

Happy gardening

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