Day 0 became day -8. One very bad hail storm last Monday morning - we were lucky with hail only slightly larger than golf balls. Sounded like we were surrounded by people using our house as practice for kickboxing. Two or three inches of rain that day. Then last Thursday night I had supper in the basement while we waited out more hail and funnel clouds. Rhonna enjoyed the time at the library basement since the sirens sounded 15 minutes before her shift ended. About three inches of rain in an hour and we couldn't see our street nor the curbs when it was all over. Needless to say the contractor for our house is well behind with his other projects and he hadn't even started with ours.

Rhonna and I spent Monday night (not the whole night, just until midnight) creating easy access to all the windows.

This much work and we're not even moving, although it feels like it. So today we now have a new front door and a few new windows with the remainder to be completed by week's end. The fun begins....
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