Saturday, February 28, 2009

Backyard Visitor

Rhonna noticed our guest this morning. It flew into the pine tree when I went out to get a picture so I didn't get a very good shot. A hawk, I think.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walk on the Konza

Yesterday we took the boys out for their first walk on the Konza. A beautiful 65 degree afternoon with just enough time for a short trek. On the drive out there, a flock (?) of turkeys flew over our van and was quite a site. Then at the start of the trail I was able to identify a turkey footprint and the boys soon had fun hunting for more. Later, we heard an owl "hoo-hoot" in the woods. About a half a mile in and Joe decided he'd had enough. Fortunately, before turning around, we stopped long enough to hear and see a woodpecker.

This is the first of many seasonal trips we plan to make because with 4 seasons and walking the trail in both directions, we have at least 8 chances to see something new. We only walked a half mile of the two mile loop so the possibilities are really many more.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Garden Begins

Started seeds last night - Packman Broccoli, Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, California Wonder Sweet Pepper, and Early Jalepeno. Using my handy garden planner (bottom center, in white) I can keep track of what I'm doing instead of trying to remember it all.

Pulled out my seedling trays that haven't seen any action in several years. The pots will be for some flowers and herbs.

Ready for sprouting. Once I locate the timer for the lights the seeds will have a regular day and night. I won't have room for all the plants, but I can always give some away.
Next in line - tomatoes, flowers, herbs, lettuce, and the mystery plant: strawberry spinach.

Now to begin working on expanding the garden, renovating the compost bins, cleaning up last year's plants, etc...