My latest quest has been for a witch hazel. It is not your typical garden variety plant and, therefore, not available locally. I found a mail-order nursery in New Jersey and the plant plus shipping would be $50. I came very close to making an order, but then remembered an acquaintance who happens to be a horticulture professor and he suggested Arnold's Greenhouse. Only a 4-hour, or so, round-trip drive through the Flint Hills. I'd heard many good comments about this place, but I have yet to make a pilgrimage. A typical reaction being, "Oooh, Arnold's! You have to go there!" or "What?! You haven't been there?!" Not being familiar with Arnold's, I was a bit overwhelmed by the variety of plants available - over 3500. Arnold's doesn't have a regular plant catalog, they have a Plant Wishbook & Garden Guide. Presented with more plants than I remembered from my college days, my list of one quickly became a list of a dozen and my shopping list had to be hacked back to the original One. So, if you're still reading, "why a witch hazel?" you ask. Well, why not? Seeing one is slightly more unlikely than finding a source for one and it blooms earlier than a (currently blooming, but fading) forsythia or daffodils.
I made a short-notice call to several gardening, or otherwise adventurous, friends to make the trip with me. Going to a nursery is not something that Rhonna finds very inspiring - that is, not a nursery that involves plants. At least she's very good natured and indulges my habits when she finds herself in such a place. So she is planning to stay home with the boys while I make my trek. It just so happens that driving to Arnold's means, or could mean, going on of the more scenic roads through the Flint Hills. Not the well-known road, which is also, more-or-less, on the way, but another less-traveled one. (all together now: "And that has made all the difference") Although I will have to turn off at Eskridge, the next stop will make the trip worthwhile even if I don't get to the nursery. I could then eat my pastry in the company of wildlife just a few minutes away.
I will, eventually, get to Arnold's. It just didn't happen today as planned. Apparently I gave too short a notice. Coupled with $3.50/gallon gas, I just couldn't justify going it alone on a half-day road trip. Especially so close to Earth Day! Some things are more important than a witch hazel. I hope to find time in the coming weeks to go so if any of our local readers (and we have sooooo many) are interested, let me know. Happy gardening.
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