I found this really interesting article at Newsweek. In summary, it's about how people might be motivated to follow healthier practices if there was an effect on their pockets. These two guys bet each other that they could each lose 30 lbs. by a certain date. If either of them didn't make it, they'd have to pay up. This worked great, but the maintenance afterward wasn't going so well, so they continued their bet. They each set a target weight, they could call each other randomly and do a weight check. If the person called had gone over, he had to pay up.
I love it! If anyone is willing I would love to take on this challenge. I could stand to lose a few (20) pounds. We could even do it as a group. If we didn't want to pay each other, the money could go to a favorite charity.
I would love to hear any other ideas for weight loss motivation, of course in a healthy balanced way.
Thanks to wikipedia for the pic!
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