I am such an idiot. When I wrote the last post I had no idea how bad it could be. I didn't really think it was possible for us to go four days, yes four days, without power. Our power went out Monday night about bedtime, came back on for a couple of hours Tuesday morning and stayed off until about an hour ago. Tuesday morning, the situation seemed quaint, "Oh we have such a snug little house, look, it only got down to 60 degrees!" Our neighbors invited us over for ribs we had cooked on the grill for dinner, then we we went to my parents to spend the night. Isaac had been fussy all day and had a little fever, but we didn't think that much of it. Then when I was getting him ready for bed, he felt really warm. He had a fever of 104.6. Mom put Joe to bed and Kirk and I rushed to the Emergency Room, Isaac screaming the entire way. It turned out he had an ear infection. We came home, got settled in for the night and my parents power went out. We all slept through the night bundled in tons of blankets and discovered in the morning that my brother's power was back on. So after my parents treated us to Wendy's, we went to my brothers and hung out until after supper. Then we went to another friends to spend the night and they informed us (yeah!!!) they had a generator we could use. So Joe & Isaac played with their son while Kirk and Chris set up the generator. We got home after nine to a warm and slightly lit home. The generator served us well Wednesday and Thursday. Sputtering out a couple of times, but still keeping our house warm enough.
First I have to say how kind our friends and family were. It was so great that we had places to be that were warm. People were so kind and welcoming. We had several offers for places to stay, laundry facilities, and meals. We were fortunate in so many ways.
Second, I have to say, Wow that sucked. By Wednesday night we were exhausted, after going from house to another, dragging along this poor sick baby and cranky 4 year old, forgetting medicine in the fridge, underwear in the dryer. It was so good to be finally at home in our own beds, even with no dishwasher, washing machine, stove, microwave, deep freezer, and few lights. Chris and Marcy are my heroes!
Now Kirk and I are actually planning what we need for when this happens again. All of our readers (all 3 of you) go now and read what you need in the case of an emergency. You may someday have need for such information.