Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mission Accomplished

I finished my Jane Austen breakout session at the Celebrate the Book conference in Topeka! No one booed or threw anything at me. I had a very kind audience. They seemed to be as into Jane as I am, so it turned into a bit of a girl gab fest. Later in the day I saw laying on the bathroom counter one of the folders from the conference and two of the books I suggested, so someone liked what I had to say. AND I didn't start coughing until it was over. I've had a bad cold this last week, so I wasn't sure I'd make it through.

Now I'm excited to be reading something ANYTHING else. I'm reading The Worst Hard Time by Tim Egan. It's our One Book One Community choice for the year. It's depressing, but really well written. He has a lot of personal stories, so it doesn't get dry.

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